Alexandra Boulat
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Once a seat of Muslim mystics and still a lure for pilgrims, the town of Zaouia-Sidi-Hamza was built in the 1600s, when Islam in High Atlas was already long established. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
In Inmil, a villager from the Ait Yahya tribe on his way to the Id El Fitr prayer, marking the last day of Ramadan. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
The remote village of Anefgou. -
Amesker is a remote Berber village in the Mgoun mountain range.
Amesker is a remote Berber village in the Mgoun mountain range. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Funerals by the Ait Amer tribe in the village of Anefgou. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Ait Amer women near the village of Anegfou. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Shepherdess in the village of Tirghist. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
As Islam in the High Atlas has already long established, rural Berbers often learn some arabic, but their first language remains Tamazight, the traditional Berber language. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Men get warm by the walls of the Tirghist houses. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Madrassa in the village of Taghorghist. Muslims, rural Berbers often learn some Arabic, but their first language remains Tamazight, the traditional Berber language. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
A young boy reads a letter written to his father by the window of his home in the berber village of Taaraart. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
A young shepherd goes back home in Agoudal holding a dead sheep on his shoulders. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Salt mine near Imilchil. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
A shepherd near Imilchil. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Shepherd and it's herd of sheeps across a Canyon. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Zawyat Ahansal Dec 5, AId El Fitr prayer marking the last day of Ramadan. Villagers from the Ait Yahya tribe gather outside to pray in white costume -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Sheep's sacrifice during the Eid, celebrating the end of the Ramadan. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Shepherd preparing diner by their night camp at the animal market of the yearly Imilchil Moussem. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Shephards ride donkeys to the Animal market of the Imilchil Moussem. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
The Imilchil Moussem is a huge market which last 3 days, hosting together vendors, nomads, shepherds and peasants. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Children game at the Imilchil Moussem. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Young Berber face in Imilchil -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
A women cleans her restaurant under a tent at the Imilchil Moussem. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Men buying donkeys at the Imilchil Moussem. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Imilchil, a young Berber on his way back to his village after few days at the annual Moussem. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Using donkeys to pull the plows, a farmer works on a wheat field in the Imtchimen valley, under the snowcaped peaks of the Djebel Ayachi range. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Weat threshing in the village Ait Tirghite (alt. 1800m), near Amizimiz. Central High Atlas. As an old tradition, the villagers use donkies to walk on freeshly cut weat to separate wheat beads from the shanks. -
Ait Adidou Berber women back from the field.
Ait Adidou Berber women back from the field. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Painted house in the berber village Taaraart. -
Circumcision ceremony in berber village of Taaraart,
Circumcision ceremony in berber village of Taaraart. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
A women attends a circumcision party in Zaouite Ahansal. September 2003. She painted the side of her face with hena, as women do during those occasions, for luck and beauty. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Circumcision ceremony in berber village of Taaraart. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Berber family in Agoudal. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Men watching Television in a bar in the village of Imilchil. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Old women in the berber village of Taaraart, Marocco -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Women dancing under the rain during a wedding by the nomads near Imilchil. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Mass wedding, 3 days ceremony for 18 weedings with the Ait Ayach tribe. One of the bride with her young husband, dressed in white, for the ceremony. He gently and respectfully kisses her hand. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Taarart- Mass wedding, 3 days ceremony for 18 weedings with the Ait Ayach tribe. September 2003. On the third day of the wedding, brides covered with traditional wool blankets an a red veil meet on their way to the river to get some water, as a purification ritual. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Two brides at home during a mass wedding ceremonies in the village of Taaraart. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Women put Henna on their hair during a wedding ceremony in Tirghist. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Belly dancing at a wedding party in Taaraart. -
Marocco: Berbers of the High Atlas
Young bride on her wedding day in Taaraart. -
Reunited with his grandmother during the summer holiday in Taaraart, a young men will soon return to Rabat, Morocco's capital, where he is studying, hoping that he will be able to get a life away from his village.
Among the Berbers
Isolated in the Morocco’s High Atlas range, the mountain Berbers take pride in holding on to a traditional culture now largely lost to their urban kin. But life is still a hard climb in these rugged hills.
Numbering some 25 million in North Africa, they are ethnically distinct tribal people who inhabited these mountains and deserts thousands of years before the Arab conquest brought Islam here in the seventh century A.D.
In the century after the conquest many Berbers were driven from the plains to the high country, where they sought arable land, grass for their livestock, and, above all, freedom.
After the independence, Morocco’s Arab –controlled government adopted a hands-off policy in the mountains. In the cities, the Berbers struggle for cultural recognition. But many Morocco’s Berbers live far form any urban center, high up in the mountains, where drought, poverty, and hunger often prevail. Isolated in the highlands, the Berbers in the Hight Atlas, managed to preserve their identity, their language, and, as was becoming clear, their independence.