The Pierre & Alexandra Boulat Grant
In order to to assist photojournalists struggling with the economic hardships associated with this profession, the Association is promoting an annual Grant of 8,000 euros, endowed for the ninth time by LaScam (collective society for multimedia authors).
The award is presented to a professional photographer of any age, sex or nationality who wishes to cover a social, economic, political or cultural issue in a journalistic manner, on presentation of a dossier. The Award is given in order to allow the winner to produce a story that has never been told but that the photographer cannot find support for within the media.
For further information: annie@pierrealexandraboulat.com
Gaëlle Girbes. “Ukraine, surviving amid the ruins”
A photographic project which she plans to continue in visiting the devastated villages and witness the incredible resilience of a fragile population surviving in the midst of Europe’s biggest conflict since the Second World War.

Year 2023 : Paolo Manzo. ” The Invisible City”
A project where Paolo wants to give visible form to the dark, dramatic side of financial inequality, social injustice and urban segregation so widespread in Naples.

Year 2022: Laura Morton “Wild West Tech”.
A project which focus on people, technology, automation and developments in Silicon Valley.

Year 2021: Mary F. Calvert. “Dying of Justice”.
A long-term work on the alarming rate of suicide among Military Sexual Trauma victims in the United States.

The Year 2020: Jérôme Gence.”Telework”.
Jerôme explores the especially relevant topic of the transformation of working methods, and poses the question “what trends and behaviors will emerge on the side of companies and their employees?”

Year 2019: Axelle de Russé / Studio Hans Lucas. “Dehors”.
In France, women represent 3.6% of the prison population. An invisible minority. Ostracized, isolated, their reintegration is an obstacle course. Story of their life “outside”.

Year 2018 : Jérôme Sessini / Magnum Photos. “Opioid Crisis” in USA.
A plague that kills more than shooting or terrorism attacks.

Year 2017: Romain Laurendeau – “Dikas”.
The secret and clandestine places in Algeria where young people can experience freedom in all its forms, far from the gaze of society and its dangerous stygmatization.

Year 2016: Ferhat Bouda / Agence VU’ – “Berbers”.
A long time black and white project on the Berber people, he planned to continue.

Year 2015: Alfonso Moral – “Syria street”.
The consequences of the Syrian conflict on the city of Tripoli, where two communities survive: The Alawites, faithful followers of the Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad and the Sunni, both of them separated by Syria Street. On both side of the front line, young men fight in a recurring conflict that for them has become a sinister routine.

Year 2014: Kosuke Okahara – “Any Given Day” .
To end his 10 years project on drug in Columbia which shows the never ending cycle of violence in Cali. Cali is the center of cocaine production ranked one of the top 10 highest homicide rate cities in the world.

Year 2013: Arnau Bach – “Marseille”.
Arnaud explore Marseille, its poor suburbs, stigmatized for criminality, the traditional fishing sector which has seen its share of the port diminished and the inhabitants who have been forced to leave the popular areas of the centre.

Year 2012: Maciek Nabrdalik – “Economic migrations”.
Maciek investigates in Portugal, where due to the crisis the immigration has increased by 40%. He concentrated on Anabela, a young artist who decided to turn her back to her life in Lisbon and start a new life in London.

Year 2010 : Lizzie Saadin – “Promised land, promised women”.
Featuring women and minors, victims of trafficking in Israel. Each year from 3 000 to 5 000 women and girls victims of trafficking are brought into Israel to work, mainly in the sex industry.

Year 2009 : Masie Crow – “Lost in the cycle of poverty”.
The emotion effects poverty can have on an indivudal, through the eyes of one young woman, April, living below the poverty line in Southeast Ohio, as she comes of age in a life style that is not easily escaped.

Year 2008 : Jean Chung – “Tears in Congo”.
Jean has been following some of the women who in Congo, have suffered violiation from men and show the physioogical and psychological consequences of their trauma.