Alexandra Boulat
Pepina Delovo 104, Bitti. An old picture of Pepina taken when she was 18. Pepina has never been married. She lives in an apartment in Bitti with her two nieces. She is a fervent catholic and she hopes that when she dies, she'll be as close to god as possible. She spend most of her time praying. -
Since Pepina can’t go to church anymore, the priest comes to visit her once a week for confession. -
Pepina Delovo 104, is looking over the street, behind the curtains of her appartment in Bitti. -
Pietro Luigi Guiso, 101, Lulla. Born in 01/01/1903, he has always been a sheperd, looking after his cattle all around the Sardegnan montains. Pitro lives with his wife, his daughter and his two sons. His wife is 84 years. They have been married for 64 years and the only thing that counts for Petro is the presence of his wife. -
Pietro Luigi Guiso, 101, Lulla. Pitro lives with his wife, his daughter and his two sons. His wife is 84 years. They have been married for 64 years and the only thing that counts for Petro is the presence of his wife. -
Margharita Satta 103, Buddoso. Margharita is in an incredible shape. She lives by herself, and she doesn’t need any assistance. Here nice lives in the same town, and visits her often. -
Margharita's niece lives in the same town, and visits her often.
Centenarans in Sardinia
Margharita enjoys seating on a bank in the street with her friends, who are younger than her, but who seem less healthy than she i -
Fireica Pitzulu. 101, Benetutti. Fireica lives by herself in the house were she was born, and she never got married. Although, her neighbour is taking care of her sustenance, Fireica says that even if life was more difficult before, people were better. She doesn't enjoye life anymore, even she seems in good spirit. She regrets the old good times. -
Fireica Pitzulu. 101, Benetutti. Fireica lives by herself in the house were she was born, and she never got married. -
Fireica Pitzulu. 101, Benetutti. Fireica's lunch made of Italian pasta, fruits and bred with tomato sauce. -
Boreddu Casula, 100, Desulo. Boredu enjoyes the fact that he is still healthy. He lives in a large house together with 8 members of his family who are warmly taking care of him. He is a grand grand father of 3 children. -
Boreddu Casula, 100, Desulo. Boredu enjoyes the fact that he is still healthy. He lives in a large house together with 8 members of his family who are warmly taking care of him. He is a grand grand father of 3 children. -
Maria Vacca, 100. Ovodda. Maria doesn’t speak too often. Maria is born in Ovodda, and most likely, she will die in Ovodda. She’s been a very active farmer all her life, eating natural food and walking her cattle on the Ovodda stiff slopes. -
Maria is quietly spending the end of her life seating on the sofa of her daughter’s home. She is happy to see that her family is happy and united. -
Maria Vacca, 100. Ovodda. Maria doesn’t speak too often. She is quietly spending the end of her life seating on the sofa of her daughter’s home. She is happy to see that her family is happy and united. -
Rosa Frau, 101. Ovodda. Rosa will turn 102 soon, and her family is getting ready for the annual event, more and more awaited as the years pass by. In the kitchen, her grand daughter and daughters are cooking cakes for her birthday. Rosa is almost blind but she can walk and she is in very good spirit. She asks " When am I going to die ?" as she is taking her lunch: Spaghetti, Sardegnan bred and a pear from the garden. -
Rosa Frau's hand.
Rosa Frau, having her lunch: Spaghetti, Sardegnan bred and a pear from the garden. -
Pasquale Frasconi, 109, Aglientu. Pascale often receive the visit of his friend Gavino Giannottu, 97. They have been friends for 90 years. Pasquale was a dealer in the agriculture business, but he never worked as a farmer. He has always been a very elegant man. He is the oldest man in Sardegna, and he often recieves the visit of journalists, coming from all over the world to interview him. He lives in a house, remote on a hill over the coats of the north of Sardegna, with her daughter and his grand child. -
Pasquale Frasconi, 109, Aglientu. Pascale often receive the visit of his friend Gavino Giannottu, 97. They have been friends for 90 years. Pasquale was a dealer in the agriculture business, but he never worked as a farmer. He has always been a very elegant man. He is the oldest man in Sardegna, and he often recieves the visit of journalists, coming from all over the world to interview him. He lives in a house, remote on a hill over the coats of the north of Sardegna, with her daughter and his grand child. -
Antonia Biddittu, 102, Tempio. Antonia regrets the olds times and her youth, as her daughers, both 80, and 75: Giannina and Pierina. The three of them are living togther in a simple furnished house, down town the granite city of Tempio. Giannina feels older than her mother and Antonia would have given her own life to save her son in law, who is currently dying of a cancer in the hospital. -
Antonia Biddittu, 102, Tempio. Antonia and her daughter Giannina, 80.
Ziu Piriu Occioni, in Sard, or Giovanni Maria Occhioni, in Italian, 101, Aglientu. Ziu Piriu lives with his son who's being cured for leuccemia. He lives were he was born, in a farm on a hill, looking over the Sardegna north coast. Ziu Piriu is extremly active, he can see, walk, hear and talk, and still, working at the farm, giving food to the cattle twice a day. -
Ziu Piriu Occioni, in Sard, or Giovanni Maria Occhioni, in Italian, 101, Aglientu. Ziu Piriu lives with his son who's being cured for leuccemia. He lives were he was born, in a farm on a hill, looking over the Sardegna north coast. Ziu Piriu is extremly active, he can see, walk, hear and talk, and still, working at the farm, giving food to the cattle twice a day. -
Ziu Piriu Occioni, in Sard, or Giovanni Maria Occhioni, in Italian, 101, Aglientu. Ziu Piriu lives with his son who's being cured for leuccemia. He lives were he was born, in a farm on a hill, looking over the Sardegna north coast. Ziu Piriu is extremly active, he can see, walk, hear and talk, and still, working at the farm, giving food to the cattle twice a day. -
Colomba Muntoni, 101, and her daughter Antonia 81 are living togther in Capo Testa. With still wavy white hair and a sturdy build, Colomba (needless to say) doesn't look her age. Either does her 81-year-old daughter Antonina Alivesi. Both were born in this house and both have had a simple life of fisherwoman. Up to 8 years ago, Colomba was still rowing on her little barge. Now, she only walks inside her home, with the help of her daughter. She seems very depressed, as her daughter claims that her mother is only talking and thinking about death. -
Colomba Muntoni, 101, holds a photograph of herself with her daughter taken in 1922.
Sardinia Centenarians
Story shot for Time Magazine on August 2003
“The island of Sardinia has come up in recent years as another of these longevity champions. Because of genetical factors and life style, Sardinians are more likely predisposed to go over hundred years old. Immunologist Claudio Franceschi at the University of Bologna is the major researcher on longevity in Sardinia. Him and his team have measured the level of oxidants in the blood of centenarians and found that they have unusually high levels of vitamins E and A. But beside the scientific studies, whether their family coddles them or living by themselves in basic furnished homes, it is clear that the Sardinians centenarians have had a very healthy life style. They were simple shepherds and fishermen. Most of them are still living in the house where they were born, in the mountain’s farms of the center of Sardinia, or by the coasts, over looking the Mediterranean Sea. “