Pierre Boulat
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
Frantisek and Jarka waitting for a bus in a street in Prague in front of the symbols of the Soviet Union. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
Frantisek and worker check color quality printing. His father and his grand father were printers and after surviving forced labor for the German armhy in World War II Frantisek became an apprentice at 14, and loves his machines. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
Frantisek joking with one of the girls at the printer factory. He is foreman and bosses a crew of 90 workers. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
Frantisek at the printing with some other workers. He is foreman and bosses a crew of 90 workers. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
Jarka works part time in a vodka distillery. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
Jarka is also spending some time selling sporting goods. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
Neighbors like actress Jarka Obermaierova and her mother keep Frantisek's afternoon busy with jobs like fixing refrigerators or motor scooters. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
Neighbors like actress Jarka Obermaierova and her mother keep Frantisek's afternoon busy with jobs like fixing refrigerators or motor scooters. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
With members of the cooperative Frantisk labors to turn a vacant piece of land near the apratment hose into a playground. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
Jarka queuing at the grocery near by with Petra in her arms. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
Frantisek and Jarka with Petra their daughter, 3 years old, in front of the apartment house they live in on a hillside above Prague. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
Frantisek, Jarka and Petra are enjoying a nice meal at Jaroslava's mother house in the suburb of Prague. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
Frantisek, Jarka and Petra are enjoying a nice meal at Jaroslava's mother house in the suburb of Prague. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
Petra, 3 years old, playing with the rabbits in the garden of her grand mother in the suburb of Prague. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
Frantisek his having fun with his daugter Petra at Jarka's mother home in the suburb of Prague. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian familynd her mother's home in the suburb of Prague.
Jarka with Petra walking around her mother's home in the suburb of Prague. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian familyher.
Jarka with Petra and her mother. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
Grandmothers walking the children with neighborhoods in the country side near Prague. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
The family called the doctor as Petra was sick. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
The Blazek's kitchen as Jarka and her neighbor Hanan Haslaskova demonstrate has room for work but none to spare. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian familyof Petra fill most of Jarka's free time.
Housekeeping and the care of Petra fill most of Jarka's free time. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
Children birthday party at the Blazek's. The apartment is pleasantly furnished. French impressionist prints harmonize with the living room's sindly-legged modern furniture. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
At a traffic light Jarka and Frantisek share an ice cream. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
Afternoon at the fair for the Blazek family. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
In downtown Prague the Blazeks meet for shopping amid crowds of citizens engaged in daily puisuits including flirt watching. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
Frantisek and Jarka envoy a night with some friends in the popular city tavern U Kalicha (The drinking Cup) famed for beer and goulash. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
Frantisek and Jarka envoy a night with some friends in the popular city tavern U Kalicha (The drinking Cup) famed for beer and goulash. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
The Blazek week-end with some friends at a lake 35 miles from Prague. He built with his friend the 18 feet houseboat, guided by illustrations in a do-it-yourself magazine. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
Frantisek and their friends fishing in the lake, 35 miles from Prague. His idea of spiritual communion is to sit with his friend, or alone, for hours in the lake-studed Prague countryside, contemplating life and the end of his fishing rod while smoking dark pungent Czech cigarets. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
Frantisek showing to Jarka the fish he as been taking during the day on the lake. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
Frantisek kissing a fish he has been taking before throwing it back. -
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
St Vitus cathedral looms high in the misty background as Frtantisek and Jarka, celebre a weddin ganniversary.
The Blazeks, a Czechoslovakian family
Frantisek Blazek 40, his wife,Jarosalva (Jarka) 33, and their daughter Petrra, 3, live on the hillside above Prague in a two-room apartment in a four-story apartment house he and 28 other men built with state financing.
Frantizek is foreman in a printing plant where he has worked 17 years and bosses a crew of 90. He has some chance of promoting to executive ranks despite having missed a higher education when war closed the universities, Jarka, works too, part time in a Vodka distillery and part time as a sales woman in a sports shop. She believes that women « were meant for other things beside the kitchen sink. »
Life of the Blazek is not dull gray round. Their home is pleasantly furnished. They dine out in the evenings, with friends and in summer spend their weekend on a houseboat they built.
Prague 1966