Pierre Boulat
Fra Angelico, il Beato
Tuscan landscape around VIcchio, the village where Fra Angelico was born, probably in 1395, but also Dante and Giotto. -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
Tomb of Fra Angelico in the church of Santa Maria MInerva in Rome. This tomb had disappeared for 3 centuries, the municipality of Rome having built an alley along the church and buried the tomb under the paving stones of the road. In 1914, for the purpose of easy access, Fra Angelico's tomb was brought up to date. February 18, the day of the commemoration of Saint Fran Angelico, has become the day of the feast of all artists. -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
Duomo of Orvietto. In the chapel of St. Brizio, portrait of Fra Angelico by Luca Signorelli. Tribute to his master, 50 years after his death, by Signorelli who painted himself at his side. -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
Father Venturino Alce, librarian of the San Sabina convent in Rome and biographer of Fra Angelico. He has dedicated a monumental study to the painter, based on the 1200 works that have been dedicated to him. Together with Father Picari, he is the architect of the beatification of Fra Angelico. -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
The Dominican Father Tarcicio Picari was for 40 years the prosecutor of the Cause of Beatification of Fra Angelico. He authenticated his remains, gathered the necessary documents and clarified an important documentation accumulated for 500 years on the painter. For the anniversary of the death of Fran Angelico, Pope Pius XII agreed to hold a retrospective of his works in the Vatican. It was John Paul II who, after the disinterestedness of hi -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
Corridor of the monks' cells in the convent of San Marco. -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
Large cell of a procurator general in the convent of San Marco, decorated with a fresco representing the crucifixion. -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
Savonarola’ cell in the convent of San Marco. The famous preacher, enemy of the Medicis, had made Fra Angelico the model for painters. -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
Ceremonial Christ, recently discovered in the attics of the San Marco convent in Florence and authenticated as being by Fra Angelico. -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
"Crucifixion" fresco painted in a cell of the Convent of San Marco. Fra Angelico settled in 1435 in the convent of San Marco in Florence where he decorated 44 cells. Today the convent is transformed into a museum dedicated to Fra Angelico. -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
Symbol of Death, final point of the passage on the Earth, this symbolic painting appears on many paintings with Christ. -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
Mary Magdalene and Jesus, fresco in a cell of the convent of San Marco. -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
"The Annunciation » was first exhibited in the village of Fiesole in Tuscany. Painted around 1425, it was the first of seven that Fra Angelico painted. It was found in very poor condition in the church of Monte Carlo in Tuscany. -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
The Adoration of the Magi – Predella of the Annunciation of the Convent of Montecarlo. -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
Convent of San Domenico in Fiesole. It is in this convent that Fra Angelico studied theology and found his vocation as a painter. His master was Masaccio who taught him in particular the technique of frescoes. "Presentation of the Child Jesus by the Madonna". 1428 (dimensions 212cm x 237 cm) -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
Convent of San Domenico in Fiesole. It is in this convent that Fra Angelico studied theology and found his vocation as a painter. His master was Masaccio who taught him in particular the technique of frescoes. "Presentation of the Child Jesus by the Madonna". The Virgin is surrounded by 4 saints and angels whose multicolored wings show a great technique of avant-garde. 1428 (dimensions 212cm x 237 cm) -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
"Universal Judgment" 1432 (size 105 cm x 210 cm) -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
"Universal Judgment" 1432 (size 105 cm x 210 cm) Detail : Prayers of the pious in front of the open tombs. The stone pavement that separates the good and the bad like an impassable border prefigures, in its geometric rigor, the cubist style. It inspired most of the surrealist painters. -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
"Universal Judgment" 1432 (size 105 cm x 210 cm) Détail : The devils push the bad ones towards Hell, -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
"Universal Judgment" 1432 (size 105 cm x 210 cm) Détail: The punishments of Hell. -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
The Martyr of Saint Mark – Predella of the Tabernacle of Linaioli – 1433 -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
"Holy Trinity" - 1437 (dimensions 175 cm x 185 cm) - Convent of San Marco Saturation of colors, as in a modern painting. -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
"Holy Trinity" - 1437 (dimensions 175 cm x 185 cm) - Convent of San Marco Detail of Mary Magdalene kissing the bloody feet of Christ at the moment of the descent from the Cross -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
"Holy Trinity" - 1437 (dimensions 175 cm x 185 cm) - Convent of San Marco Detail of a man witnessing the descent from the Cross. Fra Angelico painted here his best friend, the architect of the convent of San Marco in Florence. -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
"Holy Trinity" - 1437 (dimensions 175 cm x 185 cm) - Convent of San Marco Detail of i -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
"Holy Trinity" - 1437 (dimensions 175 cm x 185 cm) - Convent of San Marco Detail of imaginary landscapes -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
Predella of the High Altar of the Convent of San Marco in Florence. The massacre of the brothers Damiano and Cosma. Episode of the Golden Legend. The setting shows the Convent of San Marco in Florence. -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
Predella of the High Altar of the Convent of San Marco in Florence. "Story of the healing Gustiniano repentant cut his leg for having beaten his mother and then appealed to the holy healers who tried to sew him the cut leg of a black man. Story taken from a news item. -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
Predella of the High Altar of the Convent of San Marco in Florence. The Virgin and the child. -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
Paintings and decoration of the door of a cabinet of relics and sacred objects, from the "Armadio Degli Argenti" – 1450 30 small paintings of "8.5 cm x 37 cm adorned this cabinet relating episodes of the life of Christ. The "mystical wheel", an allegory consisting of a double wheel, in which the prophets and evangelists were aligned. On the left of the wheel the prophet Ezekiel, who had the vision of the apocalyptic symbols; on the right Saint Gregory the Great who commented on the visions in a homily. -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
Fra Angelico, il Beato
Paintings and decoration of the door of a cabinet of relics and sacred objects, from the "Armadio Degli Argenti" – 1450 Detail of the face of the Virgin, in the adoration of the Magi - Door of the relics cabinet. -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
Predella of the Triptych of Pérouges relating the life of Saint Nicholas. Here on a predella of 34 x 60 cm, like a comic strip, the relationship of several episodes of his life: the birth, his preaching and his miracles on sick children. Vatican Picture Gallery -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
Predella of the triptych of Pérouges - On this second predella, same size as the previous one, the journey of Saint Nicolas. Continuous narration – Detail howing the account of a miracle performed by the Saint: the cargo of grain saved from the storm. -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
Crucifixion - Gold plate on an oriental carpet. Detail in trompe l'oeil. First attempts at relief painting. -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
Symbol of Death, final point of the passage on the Earth, this symbolic painting appears on many paintings with Christ. -
Fra Angelico, il Beato
Detail of imaginary landscapes.
Fra Angelico
Italian painter of the early Italian Renaissance, Guido di Pietro, more commonly known as Fra Angelico, was one of the greatest artists of the West. A dazzling innovator, he invented frescoes on plaster, renewed perspective techniques and inspired modern painting. He also innovated a genre : The predella which are small paintings generally surrounding the large tabernacles. Fra Angelico used it to relate, by juxtaposing successive scenes, or independent scenes, mystical legends, miscellaneous facts and current events of the time taking the value of legends.
But, although one of the greatest painters of all time, Fra Angelico was first and foremost a Dominican friar. He did not perform miracles and was not a martyr for the faith, but in the eyes of the Vatican he represents « a model of life, where art is associated with Christian perfection ». In 1985, Pope John Paul II decided to follow the popular feeling and declared him « Blessed ». He now is venerated by all Dominicans and the Patron Saint of all artists.